
  There are similarities between a baby girl and that of a young child, but the similarities stop there (baby girl/Daddy Dom is NOT an incestuous relationship). As a young child admires and respects her Father, so does a baby girl. A young child also requires lots of attention and affection, as does a baby girl. . A Daddy  Dom will treat His baby girl as His most prized possession, one that He guards with His life. A young child also longs for guidance, a Daddy naturally teaches His girl all that He knows, all that He wishes her to be. A baby girl longs to learn and if allowed to question that which she doesn't know or understand, enabling a Daddy to guide her, fulfilling His need as well.
I am submissive by nature, I always have been. Some may see that as a weakness, when in reality it has enabled me to live a life pleasing to both myself and others. A submissive oftentimes takes on roles in her everyday life that may seem contrary to her submissive nature, be it in her professional life or personal life. A girl's ability to listen to others wants and needs, her flexible nature and her need for 'peace' in her life, all promote success in her career and ability to raise a family. It is though, her relationship with her Daddy, when she is allowed and expected to be herself, that is most fulfilling to her submissive nature.

In order for a baby girl to truly be herself with her Daddy, its vital that she find the One that she trusts completely and without hesitation. This trust starts outside of the 'dungeon'. Her trust must be unwavering and is a necessity before the relationship can be fulfilling for B/both. A girl's submission and trust is her gift to her Master, a gift that must never be tarnished by her Daddy. A Daddy is unwavering and consistent, which allows you to trust without hesitation. you know you've found the One meant for you when you can say and honestly feel as though there is nothing that your Daddy would ask, that you'd not do.

Communication is a gift that a girl gives her Master

It is said, by many within the BDSM community and the ‘vanilla’ or traditional lifestyle as well, that communication is key to a successful relationship. Honesty and Trust is the foundation for the ability to communicate openly. Sometimes it seems that this trait is assumed by many to be the norm in a BDSM relationship. It oftentimes is skirted over as something easily offered and expected by a Master of His girl. He is of course correct in His assumption of the expectation for her to be honest and open with her feelings but it is at times difficult for her to do so.

 i have found that in order to be completely open, i must first realize what feelings are deep within myself. Sometimes they haven not been pleasant ones (i.e.: impatience, jealousy, frustration). Sadly, i have found that is much easier to act upon these feelings by being flippant, disobedient and sometimes even rude, than it is to have the self-control i long for.

It takes great insight and strength for a Master to deal successfully with these bottled up emotions. It is after all, His place to call her on it, to understand that her actions may be deeper seeded than simply of a psychical nature (temper tantrums and the like).

When you are allowed to talk, to cry, to tell Daddy your deepest, darkest secrets and fears, you are truly set free and express who you genuinely are. A Daddy guides you and molds you into what He knows you are capable of being. It is not that He is unsatisfied with who you are currently, it is that He gains much satisfaction in watching your growth. As you are allowed to express everything you feel, you begin to slowly blossom into the rare and beautiful creature He saw in you , something you've never seen in yourself . When you are able to communicate all that you are , all that you feel and all that you long for, your  Master is the Benefactor. With great pride, He watches as you open each petal and accept each suggestion, blooming into the submissive He knows you've longed to be .
Safe Haven
Am i the only one who leads a hectic life? Trying to juggle one’s career, family, home and all the responsibilities that encompass such, can make you tired just thinking about it!
Yet there is one place, i know i can always find serenity. Within my Daddy’s arms, in His words, in the comfort of His presence, i call home.

Those outside the lifestyle might look at a submissive and consider her to be weak. Those of us within the community realize the sheer strength it takes to submit completely and without question. In order to be a part of that “exchange of power”, a girl has to feel completely safe with Whom she chooses to call Master.

I feel it necessary to explain this ‘safe haven’ concept, once again from my own perspective, be it right or wrong, it is simply the experience I’ve had when it comes to Daddy Dom's and babygirl subs and my relationships in the past . I entered the lifestyle may as well say at birth , I was raised to please " man " by an overbearing Mother whom thought it was best for me to serve than to be served . Her own power trip for having to have had given birth to me or something in her own twisted mind , but as time went by I found bdsm was my lifestyle , I lived it for many years without even knowing it was an organized ( for lack of a better word ) lifestyle  and then i realized there was a community that accepted what I am and longed to be. I’ve spent years watching how others were and are treated , and been protected by some not so caring Daddy's and so called Masters .  Unfortunately, I  learned that not all are who they claim to be.  ( Not every good Master is a safe one and not all safe Master's are good One's ) For those experiences, I am forever grateful, for I came to realize what I was not looking for, as well as what I was.  My best piece of advice would be , be patient , watch and listen because  the moment you meet your Daddy,  you'll know He is the One.  Slowly,  develop a friendship, and when He deems it time, began a relationship.
And you'll find your safe haven


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